
Showing posts from September, 2013


Revolution…. What does the word mean… ?? or what was it meant to mean? Battles, fury, blood,cries… this was my first thought… but time do change your notions of what is right and wrong. It do change the meanings or the what was it meant to mean meanings , you start thinking sometimes clenching your heart in your hands, and sometime as if you were born brain less…what ever it is… for me revolution broken the limits of its bloody mold to the boundless light . It has nothing to do with organizing strikes, peoples unions or anything of that sort. It is just the simple word. A journey from the self to the self. The revolt of every individual. In that case everyone is a rebel. You revolt to live.. the uprising for life that each of us carry within, may be without knowing…you don’t mutiny, you don’t assassin, but only that you live, your small lives, everyday and each moment . She is not a blood thirsty beast but an enigmatic  spirit inspiring to live.. the only one possessi